On "Officer Settings" screen, you can place Original Officers in any city you like by following the steps below.
1. Click "Add Original Officers" and select the officers you want to place.
2. Select "Place Original Officers".
3. Select the officers you want to place and click "OK".
4. Select the city you want to place the officers in.
*If you want to place the officers in multiple cities separately, repeat steps 3 and 4 for each city.
5. Click "Back".
*"OK" button is disabled, but this is normal.
6. You can confirm if the officers have been placed correctly by looking at the number of "Placed" officers shown in the bottom right of the screen.
* Original Officers under the age of 15 at the start of the scenario are not included in the umber of "From the Start".
7. If there is no more settings you want to make, click "OK" to proceed.